Vice President Ma Yu visited the international students


On the morning of April 12, Vice President Ma Yu and Gao Shuhong, Dean of the School of International Education, came to Apartment 3 to visit the international students in the school, understand the living and learning conditions of the international students, and guide the School of International Education to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic for international students.

Ma Yu had a cordial conversation with the international students and asked about the recent life and study of international students. He instructed the students to first, we must clearly understand the situation of prevention and control, strictly abide by the school's regulations, and cooperate with the school to resolutely fight the battle against the epidemic; second, we must take scientific protective measures, keep dormitories and personal cleanliness and hygiene, and do moderate physical exercise every day; third, we must learn Chinese and professional knowledge, enhance professional ability, deepen our understanding of China, and be a messenger of Sino-foreign friendship.

On the basis of affirming the previous work, Ma Yu asked the School of International Education to continue to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic of international students, solidly carry out daily health testing, urge students to do a good job of normalized nucleic acid testing, track and check the health status and psychological state of international students, timely understand the situation, solve problems, and ensure the physical and mental health of international students and the stability and harmony of the campus.